Monday, May 11, 2020

The White Doe by Francesco Petrarch Essays - 1573 Words

Title- I believe that the title, The White Doe will perhaps have something to do with animals because the only way I have ever heard the word doe used is in the context of a female deer. Perhaps the poem will touch on the innocence of an animal or situation because of the word white which symbolizes innocence and cleanliness. Paraphrase- In the poem, The White Doe, the author is speaking of an encounter with a female deer. The encounter takes place in a glade, which is an opening in the forest. It is a cold morning when the author first spots the deer under the shade of a tree in between two streams. The author raves at the site of the magnificent animal. Intrigued by the deer, he follows it throughout the morning like a greedy†¦show more content†¦The use of diction in the first line creates an image of a smooth green opening in the forest. Another way the author makes the first line very soft is with euphemism of the delicate sounds of the d in emerald and glade. The diction pure-white symbolizes that the deer is clean, pure, and innocent. When the author writes, in an emerald glade the doe has taken on a human characteristic because one associates emerald with a gem, which a woman would wear. The hyperbole, two antlers of gold, the author indicates that the woman he loves has blonde hair, and one knows the does antlers are not actually gold. In the third line, Between two streams, the words between and streams serve as an example of assonance. The fourth line, At sunrise, in the seasons bitter cold. is a symbol of the speakers life. The sunrise is a symbol or the white doe-beautiful woman-, and the season is the speakers life; he says bitter cold because his life is cold without love. Now that love is in his life, the sun has risen to warm up the bitter cold. In line five, the oxymoron, suavely merciless exenterates the beauty of the deer/woman that the author has fallen for. It hurts the speaker to watch the grace of her, which implies that he is in love. The diction Petrarch uses is in line six, left work...follow her at leisure, exemplifies that the speaker would go from one extreme to the next-work then leisure-toShow MoreRelatedThe Power of Love in Sonnets by Petrarch Surrey and Wyatt2243 Words   |  9 PagesLove in Sonnets by Petrarch, Surrey and Wyatt Francesco Petrarch, Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, the Earl of Surrey were three of the greatest poets in history. They were truly visionaries in their work and with their origination of the sonnet, they crafted poems of love in all its incredible forms. With these poets, we are able to see how the sonnet evolved into the form popularized by Shakespeare and even how it still influences the modern poetry of today. Petrarch, known as the Father

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